Office Potluck: Pumpkin Pie Atop Cheesecake

Last week, we had a Thanksgiving potluck at work. No. No. No. This time, we did not get all buzzed after work and go home then pass out. Honest.

From the hat (or leftover from the pieces of paper I shook about in my hand), I pulled the dessert assignment. Pumpkin pie. Done. Except… Heather doesn’t like pumpkin pie so I needed to be creative.

Surfing recipes, I decide to go with the go-to classic American dessert chef… Paula Deen. I wanted pumpkin pie. And to get it in Heather’s mouth, I disguised it with pumpkin cheesecake. Pumpkin pie atop pumpkin cheesecake! Individual servings — created by the use of a cupcake tin.

Graham cracker pecan crust – ground graham cracker, ground pecans, a tad of brown sugar and some butter.

Pumpkin cheesecake – a la Paula Deen (I halved the recipe for 2 12-serving cupcake tins).

Bake at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes, or whenever the cheesecake firms up a bit.

In the meantime, whip together the pumpkin pie – a la Paula Deen (I also halved this recipe). These two recipes shared similar qualities as there’s also some cream cheese in this pumpkin pie recipe (helped to disguise it).

Pour the pumpkin pie mix right on top!

Put it back in the oven for maybe 30 minutes? I can’t remember exactly, it was all an experiment… but whenever til a toothpick comes out clean from the middle.

Viola! They turned out fairly well. Since we were eager to try them straight from the oven, you couldn’t really tell the difference between the pumpkin pie and cheesecake. When they cooled the next day for the potluck, there was a more obvious difference in layers when you took a bite.

To dress it up a bit, a few of the cheesecake pies got glazed with a sugar glaze lightly tinted with vanilla and coffee liquor. A few toasted pecans were also added for kicks.

I love pumpkin pie. Mmm.

3 responses to “Office Potluck: Pumpkin Pie Atop Cheesecake

  1. Oh wow these pumpkin pie looks so yummy. They are so cute and seems like a fun process to make. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Great treats! When are you going to open up your own bakery/cafe?

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